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Wellington Talk Community Hub

Wellington is an active, accessible and inclusive community and its joint venture with Talk Community Hubs, to create an information and signposting service, is yet another initiative to help its residents lead fulfilled lives.

To do this, in as confidential way as possible and to comply with all Covid rules, we do not plan to have an actual meeting place, but will maximise the benefits of technology. We will use websites, email and Facebook as much as possible, but to make sure we reach those residents without access to the internet, we will also use all the parish noticeboards, newsletters and Welcome magazine.

For information and regular updates:

WellLINK is part of the CLP Implementation Team, which is affiliated to Wellington Parish Council.  It is committed to acting on parishioner’s wishes, expressed in the 2014 Community Led Plan. 

WellLINK is also part of a network of Talk Community Hubs in Herefordshire, which provide a safe place where you can access information, guidance and signposting to activities, services and groups, both within your local area and across the county.

Wellington - an active, accessible and inclusive community


Additional information

Provided by: WellLINK
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