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Probus Club of Ledbury

Ledbury Probus is a non-political non-religious club for retired and semi-retired professionals and businessmen in and around the thriving market town of Ledbury, Herefordshire, and enjoys a membership of over 60 men. We meet every Monday at the Burgage Hall, Ledbury, from 10 am to noon to socialise and enjoy a talk given by a wide variety of speakers on a huge range of subjects.

Our primary objective is to provide an informal meeting place for retired men for their mutual interest and entertainment. It is particularly intended to attract those who wish to make new friendships and find new interests, especially if recently moved into the district. After our meeting, many members wander into town to a local hostelry for a coffee, pint or lunch.

We have an illustrated talk every week, either from a member or given by an external speaker, covering every topic under the sun. Our talks generally last between 45 minutes to an hour, after which there is a lively question and answer session. Our meeting hall is equipped with modern audio-visual facilities and we also use radio mics for the speaker, and for audience participation during the following active Q&A session.

Check out our website for more details or just pop in at 10am on a Monday morning!

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Provided by: Probus Club of Ledbury
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