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Leominster Leisure Centre

At Leominster Leisure Centre, we share part of our facilities with Earl Mortimer College. We’ve got a great gym there, where we are able to offer personal training services in addition to our gym programmes and group exercise classes.

Our cafe takes care of centre users grabbing a smoothie after their workout as well as parents waiting for their children, who are often enjoying swimming lessons in our impressive main or teaching pool. There are indoor and outdoor courts, as well as our JumpInGym Indoor Soft play area.

Our centre activities:  


Children's activities, holiday activities and birthday parties

GP Referrals

Gym, fitness classes and personal training

Gymnastics & trampolining

JumpINGym Soft Play

Racket Sports

Resident Clubs & Groups

Sports hall

Swimming & lessons

For more information, visit our Facebook page.


Additional information

Provided by: Halo Leisure
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