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Dementia Matters Here

Dementia Matters Here is an independent Herefordshire charity, which supports people affected by dementia, to remain a part of their community for as long as possible.

We develop community support initiatives, work with Herefordshire Dementia Action Alliance, organisations and third sector groups to develop dementia friendly communities. We also offer education and training and raise awareness to reduce stigma.

We provide a number of different community support services in Herefordshire, including:

Telephone Support Line: Available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm on 01432 804480.

One to One Support: This dedicated support helps you to adjust to change, access opportunities, advice and information.

Buddying Service: Offering phone calls or visits from trained volunteers for a chat, or to access community opportunities for people with dementia or their carer.

Online Carers' Support Group: A fortnightly support group for those caring for someone with dementia, to enable them to access peer support, information and advice.

Face to Face Carers Group: A monthly meeting on the Second Tuesday of every month at the Tourist Information Centre, Leominster from 10.30am with Cheryl Poole (Dementia Nurse), offering peer support, access to information and advice, as well as building connections with others who understand.

Memory Cafes: A monthly comfortable, social gathering that allows people experiencing memory loss and a loved one to connect, socialise, and build new support networks. Currently in Ross, Hereford and Leominster.

Newsletter: A monthly newsletter with quizzes, activities, recipes, useful information and available opportunities.

Outreach Van, Molly, the Coffee and Memory Bus: We provide on the spot information, advice and expertise, as well as a place where you can be listened to.  
Call us on 01432 804480 to find out exactly when and where we'll be, or if you want to request a specific visit from Molly the outreach van.

Additional information

Provided by: Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Cost: Free

Additional information

Provided by: Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Cost: Free
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