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Haygrove Community Gardens

Haygrove Community Gardens is a charity that creates social and therapeutic gardening projects, to support anyone with a learning disability, mental health illness, or dementia and anyone who is long term unemployed.

We currently have one community garden in Ross-on-Wye and are partnering with another charity, to create a second garden in the Leominster area.

Talk Community Hub

Our Ross-on-Wye Community Garden is also part of a network of Talk Community Hubs across Herefordshire.

Our free information stall is available every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, between 10:30am and 12pm, in our wonderful garden.

Our friendly and helpful volunteers will be able to provide you with information and signposting to services, groups and activities in the local area or across the county.  To find out more, simply pop along and say hello or e-mail

Don't forget to keep up to date with all our latest news, via our Facebook page.

Additional information

Provided by: Haygrove Community Gardens
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