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Community Autism Support Service 16+

Autism West Midlands is offering post diagnosis support packages to people who live in Herefordshire and Worcestershire and who are over the age of 16  years. This service is for autistic adults, who live in the area and have received their autism diagnosis since 1st August 2022.

How do we help?

Advice, information and signposting by phone or email.
If you would like some further information following a diagnosis, you can access this by either emailing or phoning us for advice, information, or signposting. Our experienced and understanding Autism Advisors will listen to your concerns and provide information about autism and/or local support services in your area.

1:1 Support Sessions
Our structured post diagnosis support appointments will take place online or over the telephone*. You will be able to have up to four sessions with a member of the team to support you with  understanding your autistic identity and any challenges you may be facing.

Autism Confident - Personal Development Programme
Our 8-week Autism Confident Programme is an opportunity for autistic people to learn more about their autistic identity in a small, supportive group. You will be able to share experiences and identify strategies that could help in your day-to-day life. Autism Confident is made up of six sessions and two one-to-one meetings with the group leader before and after the programme.

*The initial offer is on-line/phone support. However, there is the opportunity to request on the referral from in-person (face-to-face) support. Please note you will need to wait a little longer for face-to-face support.

To apply for any of these, you can use the referral form provided at your diagnosis. Once we have received your referral, we will contact you using your preferred contact method which you can choose on the referral form. If you need to request a new referral form, you can do this through our website

If you require any support completing your referral form, please call us and we will be able to support you with this.

For more information please email: or phone: 01432 801687

Additional information

Provided by: Autism West Midlands
Autism friendly Children and family friendly
If you notice an error in this listing or require a change, please contact us.

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