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Mindfulness for Preschool Kids

For parents and young children struggling with fears, worries and anxieties, our Mindfulness for Kids 6-week course takes children 0-5 through a sensory journey of delight to help distract from and reduce worries and stresses. Simple, practical tools to help focus attention and regulate emotions.

Watch your child's delight as they play with bubbles, sounds, textures and movement to build their awareness of the world around them and their place in it. Let yourself be soothed by the simple, child-friendly meditations that you can take home to use with your child at home.

Discover how these activities teach specific mindfulness strategies that you can use with your child over and over. Learn which activities to use when your children are stressed, afraid or overwhelmed. Build confidence in your own ability to support your child with their worries as they get older, knowing you have ways to help maintain their emotional resilience and well-being.

The course runs for six weeks during term time, on Mondays from 10am to 11.15am. New class starts every half term. 

Additional information

Provided by: Dream Your Future Families Opening times: Classes run for 6 weeks during term time. Mondays 10am to 11.15am. Cost: Free
Autism friendly Children and family friendly Wheelchair and accessibility friendly
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