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Parent Counselling

When things start to get too much, when you feel pressured, stressed, tired and worn out, and you don't know which way to turn, it can be really tough to find the help you need. We know that when you get to that point it can even be hard to simply ask for help.

Our confidential Parent Counselling service provides a safe, understanding and non-judgemental space where you can be really listened to and start to explore what is causing the difficulties, understand why you react the way you do, and start to create a strategy that will help you find a way forward in your life.

Counselling can be an incredibly supportive process that allows you to make sense of yourself and your life, in which you can find the confidence and clarity necessary to identify what you really need and how to achieve that confidently. ​

As a parent, getting the right support at the right time can make a huge difference for you and your family, and we are sensitive to the pressures you face as you raise your children. Asking for help is a brave step and rest assured you will be met with compassion and acceptance at Dream Your Future Families.

Further information and how to book

Our counselling service is available during school term time only. We're open for counselling at Ledbury Children's Centre on:

- Mondays from 1pm to 3pm
- Wednesdays from 9am to 11am.

Online counselling is available at other times during term time.

Booking is essential. Please contact us on 07581 224539 or e-mail:

If you can afford it, you are invited to make a donation towards the cost of counselling, £5-£30 per session.  There is no charge for parents referred by professional family services. No-one will be turned away if they cannot afford to make a donation.

Additional information

Provided by: Dream Your Future Families Opening times: See details Cost: See details
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