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Equipment for care homes

All care homes are expected to provide people who use their service with equipment in accordance with the “Fundamental Standards” from the Health and Social Care Act 2008 ( regulated activities) 2014( as amended) for Care Homes. 

This includes equipment:

  • To meet the needs associated with the registration category of the home
  • To meet the health, safety and welfare obligations for their staff and residents
  • To ensure that unnecessary risks to the health and safety of people who use the service are identified and, as far as possible, eliminated.

This means that they should have safe working practices in place for each person. Within these safe working practices every effort should be made to maintain or improve the individuals’ existing abilities, and encourage participation in tasks/activities.

Equipment concerns

If you, a family member, or friend are concerned about appropriate equipment provision in a care home you should discuss this in the first instance with the care home manager.

The occupational therapy team at Herefordshire Council can also help advise on appropriate equipment provision in the event that your care home manager suggests that a more specialist assessment or advice is required, or if you feel that the care home is not providing the appropriate equipment for you.

You can request occupational therapy advice for an assessment from the council by phoning the council's advice and referral team:

  • Advice and referral team: 01432 260101.

Other options available to you if you are concerned about equipment provision in care homes are to contact:

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