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Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death both in the UK and worldwide. CHD generally affects more men than women, although from the age of 50 the chances of developing the condition are similar for both sexes.

As well as angina (chest pain), the main symptoms of CHD are heart attacks and heart failure. However, not everyone has the same symptoms and some people may not have any before CHD is diagnosed.

Coronary heart disease is the term that describes what happens when your heart's blood supply is blocked or interrupted by a build-up of fatty substances in the coronary arteries. Over time, the walls of your arteries can become furred up with fatty deposits.

By making some simple changes to your lifestyle you can help reduce your risk of getting CHD including healthy eating, healthy weight, being active and stopping smoking.

Further information about CHD can be found on the NHS website.

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