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Your Weekly Meal Plan

Your weekly meal plan

If you’re lacking inspiration for what to cook the family each night, why not take a look at Yvonne’s fantastic free weekly meal plan?  There’s some really quick and tasty ideas for you and it's all for less than £50 for a family of 4*! 

Download your weekly meal plan today!

It includes the meal plan, shopping list and a great top tips guide.

Day 1: Fishcakes with peas and carrots

Download the fishcakes recipe or watch the video.

Day 2: Meatballs with pasta

Download the meatballs recipe or watch the video.

Day 3: Eggy bake with salad and coleslaw

Download the eggy bake recipe or watch the video.

Day 4: Jacket potato with cheese and beans

Take a look at the Change4Life cheesy jacket potato recipe.

Day 5: Pulled pork with a crusty roll and coleslaw

Download the BBQ pulled pork / jackfruit recipe.

Day 6: Flatbread pizza

Download the flatbread pizza recipe or watch the video.

Day 7: Sunday roast dinner and apple crumble

Take a look at the Change4Life roast dinner recipe and download the apple crumble recipe or watch the video.

*  This weekly meal plan actually costs less than £35, if you already have some of the basic 'store cupboard' ingredients available, such as mayonnaise, spices, pasta and flour.

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