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Looking after your eyes

It is important at any age to maintain healthy eyesight.

As we grow older our eyesight starts to weaken, this often starts around our mid 40s and is a gradual decline. Almost all of us will need to wear glasses or contact lenses by the time we're 65.

It is important to make sure your eyes are in a good condition by having regular eye examinations and, if prescribed glasses for driving, it is vitally important that you wear them.

Your GP, Optician or Ophthalmologist will be happy to talk through any queries you may have regarding your eyesight and will check your eyes on a regular basis.

For more information on Eye health and looking after your eyes, including why eye tests are important and whether you are entitled to a free NHS eye test please visit the NHS website.

If you have a visual impairment go to the Sensory impairment page of this website for more information and details about the support available.

For information on Eye health for older people please visit Age UK's website.

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