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Could technology help you or someone that you care for?

07 September 2023

Herefordshire Council are running some free technology trials in people's homes, to learn how to develop new ways to help people who need it most.

The team behind the project are keen to hear from different groups of people including:

  • Informal carers who are happy to use the technology to help support their cared for; 
  • Those who are at risk of falls;
  • Anyone who feels socially isolated;
  • Those that have found themselves getting confused when they are out and about


  • Volunteers would have an assessment and we would prescribe the technologies based on their needs.  The equipment would be installed in their homes and the user and their family will have access to an online portal where they can see the information that is coming from the equipment.  The equipment provides details of movement around the home and usage of appliances such as fridges and kettles and looks at patterns of behaviour.
  • On top of the base sensors that look at patterns of behaviour additional things can be added depending on the users need.  These can be things such as falls detection, bed alert sensors, GPS tracking, video calling and reminding equipment etc.   
  • User and family will be asked to complete questionnaires so that the team can evaluate the impact that the technologies have, they will be asked to provide feedback on what they think of the technologies and they may be asked if we can use their story as part of an anonymised case study.
  • There's no big commitment and the team are flexible about when and how to arrange the trials so they work around you.
  • Technology Enabled Living can empower people to live the lives they want, increasing the control and confidence they have to achieve everyday tasks.
  • The technology offers peace of mind to informal carers who may worry about the safety and wellbeing of loved ones.
  • You can help shape the future of how Herefordshire council uses technology to support vulnerable residents.

Technology testers

If you are interested in getting involved or would like to find out more email

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