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Mental Health Awareness Week

14 May 2018

An older couple

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week (14 – 20 May), why not give our ‘winning ways to wellbeing’ a go to help you reduce your stress levels and improve your mental wellbeing?

Step 1: Take notice
Enjoy the moment: Walk a different route to work or visit somewhere new

Step 2: Connect
Talk and listen: Ask how a friend is or call instead of texting

Step 3: Be active
Improve your physical wellbeing: Go for a walk or take the stairs

Step 4: Give
Your time to help others: Volunteer in the community or simply say thank you

Step 5: Keep learning
Enhance your self-esteem: Sign up for a class or read a book

If you need a little additional support, contact:

Herefordshire Healthy Minds
01432 347606

116 123

0800 1111

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