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National Self Care Week

16 November 2023

13 – 19 November is National Self Care Week, an event that raises awareness of what we can all do to improve our physical health and mental wellbeing.

Self Care Week provides the opportunity to think about how we live our lives, and consider how small changes could make a big difference to our health and wellbeing. This year’s theme is ‘Mind and Body’.

Sometimes making one small change can make a big difference to our wellbeing. Here’s a few ideas of ways you can practice ‘self care’.

Self Care Week 2023 Mind & Body

Eating a balanced diet is good for our physical health, what we eat can also boost our mood. 

  • Visit our cooking at home page and get inspired to make some simple, healthy recipes at home.
  • Taking vitamin D supplements can help in the winter months (especially if you find it harder to get outside). 
  • If you are pregnant and in receipt of certain benefits, you could be eligible for free vitamins as part of the government's Healthy Start Scheme.

Connecting with other people can be a real mood booster, whether it’s an old friend, or making new friends and connections. 

Our Talk Community Hubs help bring people together and build friendships. Find out about events taking place in your local area on our What’s on pages

Find an activity that you enjoy. Our being active page is a great place to start, with links to other organisations. 

If you don't feel that traditional sport is your thing, explore our what's on pages for walking groups, martial arts, yoga and more. 

Physical activity is a great mood booster, but getting active is also about making time for yourself!

You can find more information about accessing the right health services for you, mental health support, isolation and loneliness and financial support on the Keeping well in winter page

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