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Playing our part in action for climate change

19 May 2022

Herefordshire Council has committed to becoming a zero carbon and nature rich county by 2030.

We are working together with communities, local organisations and businesses to protect the county’s environment and wildlife from the future effects of climate change.

We can all play our part in reducing our footprint on the climate and on nature.  Many Herefordshire residents, parishes, community groups and businesses have already pledged to be zero carbon by 2030.  Could you do the same and sign The Greener Footprints campaign?

The pledge invites everyone in the county to start on the journey to zero carbon by measuring their footprint, then taking action to make it ‘greener.’

Making climate-friendly lifestyle choices bring many wider benefits - from saving money on energy bills and fuel costs, to leading a more active lifestyle and eating more healthily.

Find out how you can take some positive steps to make your garden a better place for nature by downloading the new 'Carbon workout guide for gardens'

You can also download a fantastic guide with ten money-saving ways to look after the planet – and your pocket!

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