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Talk Money Week 2023

06 November 2023

Talk Money Week (6 to 10 November) is a Money and Pensions Service awareness campaign. The campaign encourages us to be more open about money with friends and family and to get advice from experts if needed. Whether it's a chat about pocket money or pensions, Talk Money Week  is a chance to start feeling able to talk about money, over time changing what can feel awkward, in to part of everyday life.

The campaign highlights research that shows people who talk about money make better and less risky financial decisions, have stronger personal relationships, help their children form good lifetime money habits and feel less stressed or anxious and more in control. 

Building money conversations into our everyday lives also helps us build financial confidence and resilience to face whatever the future throws at us.

The campaign links to the Money Helper website which has some great guides about how to talk to your partner and your children about money – people of all ages; and how to teach kids and teenagers about money. MoneyHelper provide a range of free, expert tools and guidance to find your way forward, whatever your situation (from a Money Midlife MOT to a Baby money timeline and beyond)

If it’s not safe to talk, there's a guide about how to spot the signs of financial abuse, on the MoneyHelper website, including where to get support and how to leave safely. Visit the Herefordshire Council website for details on how to protect someone

6 - 10 November #Talk Money talk money week

A few ideas of small steps you can take this Talk Money Week

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