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Understanding Universal Credit

06 June 2018

A woman looking at the website on her mobile phone
Universal Credit has been rolling out across the country for the last few years and will go live in Herefordshire on Wednesday 13 June 2018. It will support you if you’re on a low income or out of work and includes a monthly payment to help with living costs.

Universal Credit is the biggest welfare change introduced by the government for 60 years and aims to simplify the benefits system by replacing:
  • Child tax credit
  • Housing benefit
  • Income support
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Employment and support allowance
  • Working tax credit

Further information

To find out more about the changes and how they may affect you, visit the Universal Credit website or to make a claim visit the government’s website.

There’s more information available on our Universal Credit page, including where you can access free public computers and Wi-Fi (Universal Credit is an online digital system).

Need financial assistance?

If you’re finding it difficult to pay your bills or manage your money, especially in light of the introduction of Universal Credit, please don’t struggle alone, as there’s plenty of advice and support available. To find out more, visit our money, debt and budgeting page.

Photo credit: Universal Credit

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