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Understanding your child with additional needs during Autism Awareness Month

10 April 2024

April marks Autism Awareness Month, a time to recognise the unique challenges faced by individuals with autism and their families. In support of this initiative, the Solihull Approach offers specialised resources tailored for parents, relatives, and friends of children with additional needs.

Access these resources at the inourplace website and use the code APPLEHERE for free access.

Course 1: Understanding Your Child with Additional Needs

This course provides invaluable insights into the world of parenting a child with additional needs, whether they're neurodiverse, have a learning disability, or are autistic. Drawing from the principles of emotional wellbeing, caregivers learn to understand behaviour, enhance communication, and support development, all while prioritising their own emotional wellness.

Course 2: Moving Up to Secondary School for Children with Additional Needs

Transitioning to secondary school can be daunting, especially for children with additional needs. Developed by experts, this course equips caregivers with practical strategies to support their child's transition, focusing on effective communication and emotional wellbeing for both caregivers and children.

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