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Support is available to help you quit smoking this Stoptober

20 September 2019

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Did you know…If you stop smoking for 28 days, you're five times more likely to quit for good?

Herefordshire Council’s encouraging those who’d like to stop smoking to take the Stoptober challenge, which begins on Tuesday 1 October.

To date, Stoptober has supported over 1.9million people on their journey to quit smoking.  If you stop smoking, it’s one of the best things you can do for your health and the health of those around you, so why not become part of the movement and join thousands of other smokers this Stoptober, who are determined to become smoke free?

There’s never been a better time to quit with more advice, support and quitting aids available, including a Stoptober app, a Facebook Messenger bot, daily e-mails and online Stoptober communities.  There’s also a free online Personal Quit Plan, which helps smokers find the right support for them, which could be face to face support, nicotine replacement therapies, such as patches, inhalers and lozenges or e-cigarettes.

Karen Wright, Director of Public Health for Herefordshire, said: “It’s encouraging that so many people are quitting smoking, although we know there’s still more to be done.  Smoking is still the country’s biggest killer with approximately 77,800 deaths attributable to smoking in 2017, including over 450 in Herefordshire.

“There’s more choice to help you quit and research shows that half the adults currently using e-cigarettes as an alternative, have stopped smoking cigarettes.

“If you’ve tried, but failed to quit in the past, don’t let this stop you from trying again.  Stoptober offers a great range of free support direct to your phone, tablet or laptop via the app, daily support via e-mail or Facebook Messenger, face to face support and plenty of helpful online advice and information.”
To find out more, visit and for local support, visit

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