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Choosing a care home

If you need financial support from the council to help move into a care home, they will first carry out a care assessment to work out just how much, and what type of support and care you need.

If, following the assessment, the council agrees with you that a residential home or nursing home is the best place for you to live; they can help you to find one in an area near to your own home or close to family and friends.

The council will encourage you, or your relatives or carer, to visit the home to see if you would be happy there and to ask any questions you may want answering.

All registered residential and nursing homes are regulated by the Care Quality Commission, please take a look at their website, if you are looking for a home for yourself or a loved one and want to know more.

A list of residential and nursing homes is also available on our care homes directory.

There is also assistance available if you require support with planning for your future.  There's more information available on our future care planning page.

The cost of care and support in a care home depends on the type of care that you need.  The weekly charge made by a care home can differ quite widely from home to home.  How much you actually pay will depend on your finances. 

Herefordshire Council provide additional information about care homes and paying for care in a residential or nursing home.

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