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Useful contacts

Here’s a quick reference list of contacts that may be useful to you. Please note opening times may vary over the festive period.


Housing and homelessness advice

Floods, power cuts, gas emergency

  • In a flood - Tell Herefordshire Council on 01432 261800. If there is any risk of danger to people or property from floodwater ring 999.
  • In a powercut - 105
  • For a gas emergency - 0800 111 999.

Money, debt, and financial support

Council service opening times

Mental health

Domestic abuse

Food banks & community larders

  • Bromyard Food Bank - 07942 672077
    Christmas: Emergency line available (Food - 07942 672077 and Money - 07434 669103). Please note this is not manned 24 hours a day, so please leave a message.
  • Hereford Food Bank - 01432 607011
    Thursday 22nd Dec - Normal opening
    Friday 23rd Dec - Open morning only - 10 -12
    Mon 26th Dec, Tues 27th Dec - Closed
    Wed 28th, Thurs 29th, Fri 30th - Open mornings only - 10 -12
    Mon 2nd Jan - Closed
    Tues 3rd Jan onwards - Normal opening hours - 10am to 12 noon and 1pm to 3pm

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