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Housework, gardening and laundry

A person using a yellow cloth in a red bucket of soapy water

As you get older or if you're living with a disability or health condition, it can sometimes be hard to keep your home and garden clean and tidy.  Living in an unclean environment not only impacts on a person's health, but it can also affect their mental wellbeing.

Here's a few tips, which might come in useful...

  • If you receive an Attendance Allowance or Personal Independence Payment (PIP), you could use this to pay for a regular cleaner or gardener.  Remember to always ask for and check references. 

  • Try and keep your home free from clutter.  The less you have to move when cleaning, the less tiring it will be and it can also reduce your risk of falling.  Take a look at our hoarding page for more information.

  • If you're worried about over-reaching or climbing on furniture, which could result in a fall, why not use a long handled duster?  Have a read of our falls prevention section for further advice on how to prevent falls and what to do if you have a fall.

  • You could also try using different aids and equipment, such as a lightweight vacuum cleaner.  Have a look at our daily living equipment page for more information.

Local support

Herefordshire Council offer a range of different assistive technology devices, which can help you live independently at home for longer, including slip free mats and motion sensored lights.  The council also has a Handyperson Scheme, which can help with small adaptations in and around the home, such as ramps and handrails.

National support

AskSARA is an online self-help guide, which provides expert information and advice about products and equipment for older and disabled people, to help make daily living easier.

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