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Pet care

If you have a pet that needs looking after the most common option is to ask a family member, friend or neighbour in the short term.

If this is not possible, for cats and dogs you may need to contact a local cattery or kennel.  Or you could ask your local vet to suggest some options.

If you receive social care support your social care worker should be able to provide you with information and advice. 

If someone is admitted to hospital in an emergency and there is no one else who can care for the pet, the council has a duty to make arrangements for board and lodging for the pet pending the outcome of the hospital stay. If there is no-one else that can take care of your pet for you in the short term and there are costs for board and lodging for the pet, you will be asked to pay these costs.

Once the outcome of the emergency has been resolved the council would look for alternative accommodation for the pet. They would always try to have pets cared for by friends or family of their owners wherever possible. 

If you are considering moving to an extra care scheme, some of these do allow pets. You can find information on extra care housing in the older people's housing section of this website.

There are also other organisations that may be able to help:

  • The Cinnamon Trust is a national charity for older people, the terminally ill and their pets and can help find pet care if you have to go into hospital.
  • Macmillan also provides some useful advice on pet care when you are receiving treatment.


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