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Stoptober 2023

02 October 2023

When you stop smoking, good things start to happen

Did you know that if you can quit smoking for 28 days you are five times more likely to quit for good?

Stoptober is an annual campaign encouraging smokers to quit for 28 days from 1 October. This year Stoptober is calling on the over 5 million smokers in England to join the thousands of smokers who are committing to quitting this October. This year's mass quit attempt is as important as ever, with quitting remaining one of the best things a smoker can do for their health.

When you stop smoking good things start to happen - quitting will allow you to start moving better, breathe more easily and give you more money to spend (sounding good).

Stoptober offers a range of free quitting tools, including a NHS Quit Smoking app which allows you to track your progress, see how much you're saving and get daily support.

Search ‘Stoptober’ for more information or visit the Better Health Quit Smoking Website.

The good news is you don’t have to do it alone – there is plenty of support available. Find out about local and national support to quit smoking on the Talk Community Directory.

Herefordshire’s Healthy Lifestyle Team are running a series of stop smoking support sessions this autumn:
A drop-in on Thursdays in Bromyard
A 12 week course at Newton Farm, Hereford on Tuesdays
A drop-in on Tuesdays at White House Hub, Tupsley

Stoptober Stop smoking and good things happenCommit to quit


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