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Advice and support for carers

There are a range of carer support organisations available to advise and support you in your role as a carer. 

It is important as a carer that you have time to keep well, maintain an active role in the community and to participate in any activities or interests.

Take a look at our services and groups directory for more information about services specifically for carers or our what's on calendar to see what activities and events are taking place locally.

You could also find activities that the person you care for is able to participate in. As well as providing the person you care for with an enjoyable activity, it might provide you with a break from your caring role.

You may find it beneficial to have a carer’s assessment, which will help to identify the impact of your caring role and any support you might need to fulfill your own aspirations as well as continue with your caring role. 

There is also advice and information available to ensure you and the person you care for are able to manage at home as comfortably and safely as possible. Visit the support yourself at home section of this website for details. 

Support to manage at home may also include adapting your home, equipment or technology that may be available, such as bath aids, grab rails or a personal alarm that the person you care for can use in an emergency. 

It is also important to ensure that you look after your own wellbeing as well as the person you are caring for. The keeping well, staying healthy section provides a range of information to help you maintain your own physical and mental health and wellbeing.

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