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Young people not in education, employment or training

A photo of a teenage girl sitting in the park

If you’re aged 16 to 24 and are currently not in education, employment or training, there is a range of local and national support available, to help you take the next step towards your chosen career.

Local support

Herefordshire Council offer study programmes to help 16 to 19 year olds build on prior education attainment and offers work experience and support to develop skills and confidence.  There’s also funding available for those who are financially disadvantaged.

Landau offer the IN2 Programme for 15 to 24 year olds.  It’s a personal development initiative, which focuses on developing young people’s employability and key life skills, so they can take control of their lives and work towards a better future.

National support

The Government offer a wide range of information and advice, covering apprenticeships, career skills and training, finding a job, seasonal work, internships, and traineeships.

The National Careers Service provide information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions about your learning, training and work choices.

The Prince's Trust offer a range of different support programmes for young people, including Team, which is a 12 week personal development initiative for 16 to 25 year olds.

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