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Healthy eating

Child sat on mothers lap eating

Eating a balanced diet plays an important part in maintaining good health.

Mealtimes are an opportunity for children to learn healthy eating habits and mealtime skills, as well as a time to enjoy each other’s company and learn social skills.
If you are pregnant, or planning a pregnancy, eating a healthy nutritious diet is especially important. The NHS Start4Life website has plenty of useful tips and advice about foods to include and avoid during pregnancy. If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk as part of the Healthy Start Scheme.

Top tips to develop and maintain healthy eating habits

  • Offer your child a balanced diet.
  • Children’s appetites vary depending on a number of factors including age and how active they have been throughout the day. Give them appropriately sized portions, start small and if they want more, offer it to them.
  • Accept that young children will make a mess at mealtimes, so set age appropriate meal time behaviours.
  • Milk and water are the best drinks to offer your child. Avoid sugary drinks where you can.
  • Try to eat together as a family without distractions such as TV or toys.
  • Don’t add salt to your child’s food.Try replacing salt with pepper, herbs and spices to add flavour to your favourite dishes.
  • Avoid foods with added sugar.
  • Have perseverance, new foods may need to be offered multiple times. Praise children for trying new foods.
  • Avoid using foods as a reward/punishment.
  • Praise children for trying new foods.
  • Give drinks with meals not before.
  • Make meal times fun – prepare meals together, don’t just focus on the food – talk, laugh and chat, use brightly coloured plates/cutlery, incorporate interesting colours and textures at mealtimes.

Want to cook more?

If you're looking to start cooking more at home, there's lots of easy and healthy recipes you can try, using basic kitchen ingredients.  Take a look at our cooking at home page, for recipe ideas and inspiration!

Healthy Lifestyle Service

If you’re 16 or over and motivated to make a change, you can receive expert face to face healthy eating and weight loss support, for up to 12 weeks, from Herefordshire's Healthy Lifestyle Service.  To find out more, contact:

 📱  01432 383567

You can also download a copy of the Making Every Contact Count (MECC) healthy eating / healthy weight leaflet...

The Health Visiting Team can help provide advice and support around healthy eating, for families with a child under the age of 5

Healthier Families (NHS) offers some fantastic ideas for children and families to eat healthily and be more active, including food swaps, lunchbox inspiration, 100 calorie snacks and the food scanner app.

The NHS provides a wide range of information to help adults and children eat healthier, including advice for eating healthily during pregnancy and tips for little fussy eaters.

One You offers a great range of information on healthy eating, including advice on calories, saturated fats, reducing sugar and salt, recipe ideas and an easy meal app.  Why not also take the One You how are you quiz and see how you score?

Start4Life provides information and advice on pregnancy, babies and toddlers, including first foods, healthy snacks, foods to avoid and how to spot an allergy.

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